Saturday, 14 August 2010

Triparte Class Minehunters

The Tripartite class is a class of mine warfare vessel used by the navies of Belgium, France and the Netherlands, as well as Pakistan, Indonesia, Latvia, and Bulgaria.

A joint venture of the navies of France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, the Tripartite class of minehunters were conceived in the 1970s and built in the 1980s. France built the mine-hunting equipment, Belgium provided the electronics, and the Netherlands constructed the propulsion train. France and the Netherlands originally bought 15, with Belgium buying 10.

All three countries' Tripartite ships contribute at times to NATO's Standing Maritime MCM capability groups (SNMCMG1 or SNMCMG2).

Ships of the class


M915 Aster
M916 Bellis
M917 Crocus
M921 Lobelia
M923 Narcis
M924 Primula

M850 Alkmaar (no longer in service, sold to Latvia)
M851 Delfzijl (no longer in service, sold to Latvia)
M852 Dordrecht (no longer in service, sold to Latvia)
M853 Haarlem
M854 Harlingen (no longer in service, sold to Latvia)
M855 Scheveningen (no longer in service, sold to Latvia)
M856 Maasluis
M857 Makkum
M858 Middelburg
M859 Hellevoetsluis
M860 Schiedam
M861 Urk
M862 Zierikzee
M863 Vlaardingen
M864 Willemstad

Here is BNS Aster arriving in Leith

BNS Bellis sailing down the Clyde

HrMs Willemstad sailing down the Firth of Clyde

And arriving in Leith a few days later