Tuesday, 23 August 2011


The Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate USS Carr is seen here arriving in Leith on Monday 22nd August 2011.

For more info on the Perry Class click HERE

Forth Ports tug Oxcar escort the frigate thru the channel:

USS Carr approaching Leith

Oxcar safely showing Carr the way

Almost in the lock

Almost on the berth with a little assistance from Fidra

A close up of the other Forth Ports tug Fidra

USS Carr's motto "Facta Non Verba" which roughly translated means Deeds Not Words

HMS Queen Elizabeth - well almost!

The largest section of the Navy's new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth has safely arrived in Rosyth after being towed around Scotland.

This 8,000-tonne segment – Lower Block 03 to give it its official title – of the ship was towed 600 miles around the Scottish coast from one great artery, the Clyde, to another, the Forth, during a five-day operation. It safely arrived early on Saturday 20th August. (Nearly 4 hours late!)

 This section is more than 20 metres (65ft) high, 60 metres (196ft) long and 40 metres (131ft) wide. In addition to machinery spaces, it contains cabins for more than 150 members of the ship’s company and part of the vast hangar.

One of the largest cranes in the UK – its span is 120m (393ft) and it’s 68m (223ft) to the underside of the main beam – Goliath has been assembled in Rosyth to move sections of Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales weighing up to 1,000 tonnes each. It’s due to be ready to start work next month.

She is seen here arriving on Saturday evening:

Firstyl being escorted up the river by the tug Eraclea

Approaching the Forth Rail Bridge


Nearly there, wonder how long it will be before this re-appears from the dockyard

FGS Lübeck

Fgs Lübeck is seen here arriving in Leith 19th August 2011.  For more on the Bremen class see HERE

The tugs head out to escort her in:

Oxcar leading Seal Carr out of the locks

Seal Carr escorts on the bow Oxcar on the stern

Almost in the lock

Oxcar making sure she is in the lock

A rather naughty painting on board the ship - I would like to meet her!!

Safely on the Cruise Liner Berth