Wednesday, 30 May 2012

French Hydrographic Survey Ship FS Laplace A703

FS Laplace A703

The Lapérouse class are Hydrographic survey ships of the French Navy. Three ships are currently active in the French Navy. One further ship of the class has been transferred to Patrol service duties.

A791   Lapérouse
A792   Borda
A793   Laplace

The three ships were commissioned into the French Navy between 1988 – 1991.

They have a 1,100 full load displacement tonnage French Navy survey vessel of the Lapérouse Class was commissioned in 1989 and like her sisters she is based at Brest.

With a maximum speed of 15 knots and a range of 6000 miles, they are fitted with Thales (Thompson) DUBM active search HF towed side scan sonar, Kongsberg /Simrad shallow water multi path echo sounder and Thales magnetometer and sediment echo sounder.  She carries VH8 survey launches.
Laplace is seen here making her first ever visit to Leith on Monday 28th May 2012: