Monday, 13 April 2015

Bay Class - RFA Lyme Bay L3007

RFA Lyme Bay L3007

RFA Lyme Bay is a Bay-class auxiliary landing ship dock (LSD(A)) of the British Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA). Ordered from Swan Hunter in 2000, the ship was launched in 2005. However, cost overruns and delays saw the shipbuilder removed from the project, and the incomplete ship was towed to Govan for finishing by BAE Systems Naval Ships. Lyme Bay entered service in late 2007; the last ship of the class to join the RFA.

Lyme Bay was dedicated on 26 November 2007; the last ship of the class to enter RFA service.

She is seen here alongside Leith before departing on the 12th April at 05:45.

Georges Leygues Class - Fs Primauguet D644

Fs Primauguet D644

Fs Primauguet is fifth ship of the Georges Leygues class (Type F70) is a class of anti-submarine destroyers of the French Navy. They are multi-role ships due to their Exocet and Crotale missile armament, making them especially suitable for the defence of strategic positions; show of force operations, or as high seas escorts. The F70 is internationally labelled an "anti-submarine destroyer" (hence the "D" in the hull numbers), though the French do not use the term and refer to the ships as "frigates".

She is seen outboard of the Spanish Frigate Sps Méndez Núñez over the weekend 10th – 12th April 2015.  Both ships were participating in Joint Warrior 151.

Álvaro de Bazán Class - Sps Méndez Núñez F104

Sps Méndez Núñez F104

Sps Méndez Núñez F104 is the fourth in the Álvaro de Bazán class (also known as the F100 class of frigates) they are a new class of Aegis combat system-equipped air defence frigates entering service with the Spanish Navy.

Sps Méndez Núñez is seen alongside the French Frigate Primauguet over the weekend 10th – 12th April 2015.  Both ships were participating in Joint Warrior 151.


Snellius Class Hnlms Luymes A 803

Hnlms Luymes A 803

Hnlms Luymes (A803) is one of two Hydrographic Survey Ships in service with the Royal Netherlands Navy. The primary role of these vessels is to map changes in the seabed and shipping lanes and pass the data onto the Hydrographic Service for the preparation of sea charts.

She has made numerous visits to Leith in the past but she is seen here arriving at the port on the 4th April 2015.

Alkmaar Class - Hnlms Schiedam M 860

Hnlms Schiedam M 860

Hnlms Schiedam is the 11th ship of the Alkmaar class.  They class were conceived in the 1970s and built in the 1980s. France built the mine-hunting equipment, Belgium provided the electronics, and the Netherlands constructed the propulsion train. France and the Netherlands originally bought 15, with Belgium buying 10. Now the Netherlands have only 6 left.

All three countries' Tripartite ships contribute at times to 's Standing Maritime MCM capability groups (SNMCMG1 or SNMCMG2).

Hnlms Schiedam is seen arriving in Leith on the 20th March 2015.

Flamant Class - Fs Cormoran P 677

Fs Cormoran P 677

Fs Cormoran was the first naval ship to visit Leith in 2015.

Fs Cormoran is the second of three Flamant Class Patrol Vessels (OPV 54), of the French Navy.

They are used for fishery protection, search and rescue patrolling the French coast up to 200 nautical miles.

The boats entered service in October and December 1997. They are based at Cherbourg.

P676 Flamant Entered service 18 December 1997
P677 Cormoran Entered service 29 October 1997
P678 Pluvier Entered service 18 December 1997

Fs Cormoran is seen alongside in Leith over the weekend 6th – 9th March 2015: