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Saturday, 26 December 2009


Knm Ula seen here approaching Leith 16th October 2009 after participating in the Joint Warrior 09-2.

And alongside with her sister Utvӕr the same day

KNM Utvӕr

Knm Utvӕr seen here approaching Leith 16th October 2009 after participating in Joint Warrior 09-2.

Seen here with her sister Ula following on behind..

HMCS Halifax

The Royal Canadian Halifax Class Frigate HMCS Halifax seen here arriving Leith 16th October 2009 after participating in Joint Warrior 09-2.

HMCS Athabaskan

The Royal Canadian Iroquois class destroyer HMCS Athabaskan seen here arriving Leith 16th October 2009 after participating in Joint Warrior 09-2.

Serco Denholm Tugs

Various Serco Denholm Tugs seen in and around Faslane 5th October 2009.

SD Adamant, SD Nimble and SD Impetus

HMS Cattistock

The Royal Navy Hunt Class HMS Cattistock seen departing Faslane 5th October 2009 to participate in Neptune Warrior 09-2.


HMS Blyth & HMS Shoreham

The Royal Navy's Sandown Class Single Role Mine Hunters HMS Blyth (left) and HMS Shoreham (right) seen alongside at Faslane 5th October 2009.

TNS Oruçreis

The Turkish Navy Frigate Oruçreis seen departing Faslane 5th October 2009 to participate in Neptune Warrior 09-2.

American visitors to Faslane

The American Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer Cole seen departing Faslane 5th October 2009 to participate in Neptune Warrior 09-2.

The American Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer Ramage seen departing Faslane 5th October 2009 to participate in Neptune Warrior 09-2.

The American Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate John L (Lesslie) Hall seen departing Faslane 5th October 2009 to participate in Neptune Warrior 09-2. 


Monday, 21 December 2009

HMS Walney

Royal Navy Single Role Minehunter Walney seen departing Faslane 5th October 2009 to participate in Neptune Warrior 09-2.

Seen here escorting HMS Illustrious out of Faslane

HMS Northumberland

Royal Navy Frigate Northumberland seen departing Faslane 5th October 2009 to participate in the Neptune Warrior 09-02

FS Styx

French Mine Disposal Tender Styx seen departing Faslane 5th October 2009 to participate in the Neptune Warrior 09-2

BNS Defensora

Brazilian Frigate Defensora seen departing Faslane 5th October 2009 to participate in the Neptune Warrior 09-2

HMS Daring

Hms Daring is a Type 45 AAW Destroyer is the first of the Type 45s to fly the white ensign since its handover ceremony on the 10th December 2008. Daring represents a step change in the air defence capability of the Royal Navy in comparison with the class of ships that it replaces and, arguably, will be the benchmark capability for maritime air defence.

This is the seventh ship to bear the name. Launched at the BAE Systems, shipyard in Scotstoun on 01 February 2006 by HRH the Countess of Wessex. The T45 Destroyer is the First of Class of six ships being built on the Clyde. The ships motto is ‘Splendide Audax’ (Finely Daring).

She is seen here passing through the lock on her first visit to the Scottish Capital  20/11/09
Approaching the quayside

Safely on the quayside
A few more

Stern view

 A view from the quayside

Two night time images
Daring's White Ensign

Hms Daring is seen leaving Leith on the 22/11/09 after a most enjoyable weekend.

Come back soon Daring 

I was lucky enough to get a guided tour of the vessel click HERE for photographs