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Friday, 9 September 2011

HrMs Snellius

Seen here in Leith is the lead ship of two HrMs Snellius alongside and departing Leith on Sunday 4th September 2011.  The ship is a hydrographic survey vessel built in both the Netherlands and in Romania.  She has a permanent crew of 12 & 6 hydrographers but can accommodate up to 42 persons.

Intended to replace Tydeman (A906) and Buyskes (A904).  Reportedly each ship has three crews to permit continuous operations.  The ships are seen in home waters and in the Netherlands Antilles and also do coast guard and surveillance duties

HrMs Snellius is seen here leaving Leith on Sunday 4th September 2011

With assistance from the tugs Roseberry Cross and Seal Carr