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Saturday, 10 April 2010

Fs Chevalier Paul

The French Horizon Class Destroyer Fs Chevalier Paul seen alongside in Leith today.

Seen also here

HrMs De Zeven Provinciën

HrMs De Zeven Provinciën is the first of the De Zeven Provinciën class of air defence and command frigates in service with the Royal Netherlands Navy.  There are three more in the class- Tromp, De Ruyter and Evertsen.  The class was designed in co-operation with Germany and Spain.

De Zeven Proviciën is the eith ship in the Royal Netherlands Navy to carry that name.  The name refers to the original seven Dutch provinces which together formed the Union of Utrecht.

HrMs De Zeven Provinciën is seen here arriving Leith 7 February 2003

HrMs De Zeven Provinciën is seen here arriving Leith 10 April 2010

HrMs Van Amstel

The Karel Doorman class wss made up of eight multi purpose frigates of the Royal Netherlands Navy.  The class is also know as the "Multi-Purpose" or M Class.

The ships are named after famous Dutch Naval officers, the first of the class was called Karel Doorman

Karel Doorman and Willem Van der Zaan were sold to Belgium in 2005
Tjerk Hiddes and Abraham van der Hulst were sold to Chile in 2004     
Van Nes and Van Speijk were sold to Portugal in 2006

Only Van Amstel  and Van Speijk remain in service.

HrMs Van Amstel is seen here arriving Leith 10 April 2010


Her bow is seen here in a reflective shot