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Monday, 18 April 2011

FS Cassiope Departure

FS Cassiope departing Leith this morning.

Same image but in Black & White

Leaving the quayside

Au revoir et la maison sûre de voyage

Saturday, 16 April 2011

FS Cassiope

FS Cassiope is seen below in Leith for a weekend shore leave.  She is the 2nd in a class of 13 "Eridan" class minehunters.

Eridan Class Mine Hunters

M641 Éridan
M642 Cassiopée
M643 Andromède
M644 Pégase
M645 Orion
M646 Croix du Sud
M647 Aigle
M648 Lyre
M649 Persée (decommissioned in August 2009)
M650 Sagittaire
M651 Verseau (former Belgian M920 Iris) (decommissioned in February 2010)
M652 Céphée (former Belgian M919 Fuchsia)
M653 Capricorne (former Belgian M918 Dianthus)

Click HERE for more information on the class.

She is seen here alongside