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Tuesday, 13 November 2012

HMS Queen Elizabeth Lower Block 04

A huge section of hull for Hms Queen Elizabeth is seen here sailing under The Forth Rail Bridge on Sunday 11th November 2012. 

She is the first of two new aircraft carriers being built for the UK Royal Navy, she left BAE Systems’ shipyard at Govan on November 4 to embark on a 1500-mile journey to Rosyth.

The large sea-going barge AMT Trader was carrying the 11,300 tonne aft section of hull, known as Lower Block 04, was towed from the company’s yard on the Clyde to begin her seven-day journey to the east coast.

Since moving the block out of the company’s shipbuilding hall on the 21st October, final preparatory work, including sea fastening, was undertaken by workers to prepare the block for her departure. The team had also monitored weather forecasts to time the block’s departure to ensure a smoother journey to the east coast.

Equating to around twenty per cent of the overall weight of the ship, Lower Block 04 is the largest hull section of Hms Queen Elizabeth. The block will now be floated off the specialist barge and moved into position in dry dock, ready to join the other sections already in place. Additionally, around 250 employees from the Clyde followed the block to Rosyth where they will work in partnership with Babcock to complete the assembly phase.