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Friday, 14 December 2012

HMS Portland F79

HMS Portland

HMS Portland is a Type 23 frigate of the Royal Navy. She is the eighth ship to bear the name and is the fifteenth and penultimate ship of the 'Duke' class frigates.  The ship was accepted into service by the Royal Navy on 15 December 2000 and was commissioned on 3 May the following year.

She is the first major warship in the Royal Navy to be commanded by a woman; Lieutenant-Commander Sarah West assumed command of HMS Portland on 21 May 2012.

Hms Portland has recently completed a £20 million refit, upgrade and maintenance programme at Babcock's Rosyth dockyard in the UK.

The upgrade was aimed at maintaining the ship at peak effectiveness and follows the recent successful refits on other Type 23 frigates including HMS Kent.

The frigate also underwent structural repairs, and maintenance of all systems and equipment, including renewal of the hull coatings.

The 133m-long HMS Portland has a displacement capacity of 4,900t, is capable of cruising at speeds of 30.8 knots, can accommodate a crew of 185, and can be equipped with Harpoon and Seawolf missile systems, guns and anti-submarine torpedoes.

She is seen here departing Rosyth on Thursday 13th December 2012 for the last time before heading back home to Plymouth after over a year’s absence.