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Monday, 23 August 2010

Knm Vidar

Knm Vidar (N52) was a Royal Norwegian Navy minelayer and command vessel. Vidar was built by Mjellem & Karlsen in Bergen in 1977. 

Her sistership is Knm Vale, which was given to Latvia in 2003. Vidar is named after Odin's son Vidar from Norse mythology. The vessel was the command ship for MCMFORNORTH in 2004 and 2005. In 2006 she was sold to Lithuania and given the name Jotvingis. The Lithuanian Navy uses her as a command and support ship. 

Ship specifications
  • Crew: 61
  • Length: 64.8 m
  • Displacement: 1750 tons
  • Speed: 14.8 knots
  • Armament: 2x 40 mm Bofors guns, 2x12.7 mm machine gun, 1x Mistral surface-to-air missile
Knm Vidar is seen arriving in Leith

She is seen here sailing down the Clyde a few days previously