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Monday, 13 April 2015

Alkmaar Class - Hnlms Schiedam M 860

Hnlms Schiedam M 860

Hnlms Schiedam is the 11th ship of the Alkmaar class.  They class were conceived in the 1970s and built in the 1980s. France built the mine-hunting equipment, Belgium provided the electronics, and the Netherlands constructed the propulsion train. France and the Netherlands originally bought 15, with Belgium buying 10. Now the Netherlands have only 6 left.

All three countries' Tripartite ships contribute at times to 's Standing Maritime MCM capability groups (SNMCMG1 or SNMCMG2).

Hnlms Schiedam is seen arriving in Leith on the 20th March 2015.